Cornered And Challenged

I did not expect to be confronted or challenged, but I was “cornered!”

It was almost time to begin teaching my Bible study when a newcomer entered the room.  I did not recognize this woman, and she did not appear to arrive with anyone else.  But I was glad to have someone new joining our group and greeted her with a friendly smile and welcome.

As I taught, I made eye contact with each woman in the room.  I did not notice any unusual facial expressions or concerns coming from her over what I was saying.  But then again—looks can be deceiving.

While everyone else was leaving, I walked up to this new woman and thanked her for coming.  She was very polite and seemed appreciative of my gratitude.  Then she commented about God’s Word related to my study, and I agreed with her.

I cannot recall what her next theological statement was, but I remember my brain immediately reacted with, “Wait. What?”

It took me a few seconds to brace myself for what was happening.  I never expected a theological challenge on salvation to arise at my Bible study, so I was not mentally prepared for one.  I quietly took a deep breath then opposed what she said, hoping to disarm her argument.  My effort failed.

Over the next 15-20 minutes, she tried “proving” salvation was earned by obeying the Torah.  Every time she made a claim, I refuted it with the truth.  But when she started quoting verses out of context, I knew I needed Scriptures to combat her false claims.

I quickly grabbed my phone and accessed I immediately went to the “Salvation: Gift by Faith Alone” section and quoted every verse contradicting her incorrect theology.  But she refused to accept it.

Eventually, it got to the point where I ended the conversation because neither of us was budging on our position.  I did my best to present her with the truth, but what she did with it was up to her.

My encouragement to you when you are in similar situations with people is to be discerning about when to pull the plug.  Things can get ugly fast in those types of predicaments.  So, listen to the Holy Spirit’s voice and end things when it is still cordial.  Then pray for their eyes to be opened to all you shared.

Kris Jordan