Irrelevant Bible Questions Are The Ones Never Asked

My dad has always been surprised by my ability to fix his computer software issues whenever he encountered a problem.

His surprise is warranted because I am not formally trained in computer science. But it is amazing how much knowledge I have picked up over the years encountering my own computer problems and having them fixed by professionals.

The same concept is true for gleaning Bible knowledge. We all have questions about the Bible. But if we never seek answers or clarification on what we do not understand, how will we equip ourselves to help others down the road?

Never be afraid to ask questions related to the Bible. You never know who will benefit from the answer you receive besides yourself, which is why the only irrelevant Bible question is the one never asked.

Do you have a Bible question you want to ask? If so, click “Questions” from the menu and complete the short form under “Ask A Question.” Or you can ask it in the comments below.

Kris Jordan