Discovering whether God recognizes a marriage between non-binary individuals requires an understanding of “non-binary” and a grasp of biblical truth.
The term “non-binary” (also described as genderqueer, agender, bigender, genderfluid, etc.) refers to people who do not feel they fit into the category of man or woman, male or female. In other words, some believe they possess a combination of male and female genders. Others associate better with one of the other “72 genders” available to them. Yet, some individuals do not identify with any gender.
Regardless of its definition and who associates with what gender, the Bible reveals that God created two genders exclusively: male and female. As such, every human is either a biological male or biological female created in God’s image regardless of how they view or identify themselves (see Genesis 1:27, Matthew 19:4, and Deuteronomy 22:5).
Furthermore, God created and ordained marriage as a sacred and binding covenant between one (biological) man and one (biological) woman for life (see Genesis 2:21-25, Matthew 19:4-6, and Mark 10:5-9). Based upon this truth, God may or may not recognize a marriage between two non-binary individuals because it depends on their God-given genders.
For example, suppose a transgender male (a biological female in reality) is legally married to a transgender female (a biological male in reality). In their case, God recognizes their marriage covenant despite them living in rebellion to His will and plan because their marriage consists of one biological man and one biological woman. However, God’s recognition of their marital covenant does not equate to His approval of their lifestyle or gender identity choices.
On the contrary, if two non-binary individuals are legally wed but possess the same God-given biological sex or gender, their marriage is not recognized by God. Instead, their union constitutes a gay relationship, which God does not support, acknowledge, or approve because it runs contrary to His plan, design, and created order.
With that said, we must remember that individuals who struggle with gender identity are greatly deceived and need to be saved. Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it?” Therefore, regardless of their “marital status” or lifestyle choices, we must pray for their eyes to be opened so they can see their true identity in Jesus and respond to His call for salvation.
I hope this information helped shed some light on this very complicated issue. If you have a non-binary loved one who is struggling with their God-given identity, email me their name so I can stand with you in prayer for their deliverance and salvation.