Scripture References
The rapture, or “catching away of believers,” is a secretive, split-second, and supernatural event where Jesus resurrects and glorifies all born-again believers. Although the word rapture does not appear in the Bible, it is a term used to describe this glorious occasion taught in Scripture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:50-54).
At the appointed time of the rapture, Jesus will secretly descend from heaven to the clouds, bringing all Christians from heaven with Him who died previously. He will resurrect their bodies from the grave and transform them into glorified ones equipped for eternity, reuniting their body and spirit.
Immediately following, Jesus will retrieve all believers living on the earth and usher them to the clouds while instantaneously transforming their natural bodies into glorified ones. Their new bodies will be spiritual, imperishable, and immortal, just like those resurrected moments earlier—never to experience sin, sickness, pain, or death.
The entire rapture transpires in a zeptosecond, which is a trillionth of a billionth of a second. It concludes with Jesus returning to heaven with both groups of glorified believers until He returns to the earth with them at His second coming to defeat the Antichrist and rule and reign for 1,000 years.
The Bible does not give a date for the rapture. Consequently, Christians have differing views on its timing. The three primary views held are the Pretribulational Rapture, Midtribulational Rapture, and Posttribulational Rapture, all with Scriptural merit. The first viewpoint occurs before the Tribulation begins, the second one halfway through it, and the third at its conclusion. A fourth, less common view is the Pre-Wrath Rapture, which is similar to the Midtribulational Rapture view with some slight variances.
It is easy to confuse the rapture with Jesus’ second coming, given the numerous Scriptures referring to Jesus coming back. Therefore, the following summary helps distinguish one supernatural event from the other:
The Rapture:
Jesus comes from heaven to the clouds, bringing all unglorified believers from heaven with Him.
Believers alive on the earth meet the Lord in the air and remain with Jesus forever.
Jesus’ appearance is not visible to everyone on the earth but only to those resurrected and glorified.
Jesus immediately returns to heaven and does not render any judgment on the earth.
The Second Coming:
Jesus comes from heaven to the earth, bringing all glorified believers from heaven with Him.
Jesus’ return will be visible to everyone on the earth.
Jesus judges the Antichrist and the false prophet and throws them into the Lake of Fire.
Jesus casts unbelievers into hell to await His final judgment at the end of all things.
Jesus will remain on the earth for 1,000 years, ruling and reigning with all the glorified believers.