Scripture References
After the Antichrist [the beast] has set himself up as “God” in the temple and after he has gathered the kings of the earth together to launch a final attack upon Jerusalem, Jesus will return to the earth. The location of His return will be the Mount of Olives, just outside Jerusalem, Israel. Unlike the rapture, when Jesus comes invisibly in the clouds, His glorious second coming will be visible and observable to everyone on the earth.
When Jesus returns to the earth with all the glorified believers from heaven, the Antichrist, along with the kings of the earth and their armies, will attempt to wage war against Him and His accompanying army. However, Jesus will capture the Antichrist and the false prophet and throw them into the Lake of Fire. He will overthrow their evil kingdom and slay all those who worshiped them. Jesus will bind Satan and cast him into the bottomless pit for 1,000 years, then set up His Millennial Kingdom upon the earth.
Many Scriptures refer to Jesus coming back, which can be confusing when trying to discern the rapture from Jesus’ second coming. The following description helps distinguish one event from the other:
The Rapture:
Jesus comes from heaven to the clouds, bringing all unglorified believers from heaven with Him.
Believers alive on the earth meet the Lord in the air and remain with Jesus forever.
Jesus’ appearance is not visible to everyone on the earth but only to those resurrected and glorified.
Jesus immediately returns to heaven and does not render any judgment on the earth.
The Second Coming:
Jesus comes from heaven to the earth, bringing all glorified believers from heaven with Him.
Jesus’ return will be visible to everyone on the earth.
Jesus judges the Antichrist and the false prophet and throws them into the Lake of Fire.
Jesus casts unbelievers into hell to await His final judgment at the end of all things.
Jesus will remain on the earth for 1,000 years, ruling and reigning with all the glorified believers.